ZDNet: The Endangered CMO
There’s nothing like a good dinner with a dozen of your favorite media people to foster a stimulating discussion about digital transformation, customer experience management, and the secret life of a modern CMO.
It’s even better if that dinner is sponsored by your favorite marketing tech — Sprinklr. Carlos Dominguez (President of Sprinklr) and I had a media dinner in San Francisco and it was a really fun evening. I’m not sure I ended up eating anything, but we sure had some super interesting discussions about the future. It’s a very exciting time to be alive, and a great time to be in marketing … especially if you have a technical orientation combined with a solid background in the fundamentals.
I consider myself blessed to have had a somewhat bizarre career path that has somehow … accidentally … perfectly prepared me for this new world of marketing in which we live. Here’s what I call the “Modern Marketer Formula” — part packaged goods; part start-up; and part technical. If you can find people like this, hire them. If you can find the last two parts, train the first:
Fortunately, Tom Foremski of Silicon Valley Watcher fame was there to capture some of the highlights (thanks, Tom). We riffed on job security; old-school packaged goods marketing; and new-school marketing tools (including Sprinklr).
Check out the complete ZDNet article for details. And continue the discussion at @gradconn.
#madmen #advertising #marketing #Sprinklr @tomforemski @carlosdominguez