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Ad Greats

Extraordinary League of Ad Greats

Happy Birthday Mr Wunderman

Today is Lester Wunderman‘s birthday (June 22, 1920). Mr Wunderman is arguably one of the greatest marketing geniuses of our time. He is widely considered the creator of modern-day direct marketing. His innovations include the magazine subscription card, the toll-free 1-800 number, and loyalty rewards programs. He identified, named, and …more

“What is a Brand” by Stephen King (different Stephen King) and Jeremy Bullmore, JWT London (1973)

 Today is a very special day at I have been waiting for YEARS for someone to post “What is a Brand” by Stephen King (different Stephen King) and Jeremy Bullmore (Twitter search) from JWT London, 1973. I have this film on 3/4” tape (and I still have a working 3/4” …more