AdWeek: Marketing to the Future
Today’s the day! I’ll be speaking at 4:15pm today in AdWeek Europe in a speech titled “Marketing to the Future: A CMO’s roadmap to Digital Transformation”: Link
I’ll be talking about the situation CMOs find themselves in today … why that’s pretty normal at this stage in any innovation cycle … and how to think about planning for an AI-powered marketing future.
I firmly believe that *now* … 2017 … is one of the most exciting times in marketing history … and potentially *the* most exciting time in marketing history because we are finally uniting the two warring disciplines of our craft – that of Direct Marketing and that of Mass Marketing.
Final note: I must say that the weather here in London bears an eerie similarity to Seattle. Fun fact: Annual rainfall in Seattle (35 inches) is nearly a third more than the annual rainfall of London (25 inches). But there’s more fog in London — they only get 1600 hours of bright sunlight a year while Seattle gets 2000. So we’re wetter, but with slightly higher levels of vitamin D. Hmm.
Anyway — come listen to me talk about Marketing to the Future on Tuesday at 4:15pm! Connect with me afterward: @gradconn